Sunday 16 September. Special Guest - Patriot Shar with Texans Against Smart Meters , Curtis Bennett and John Marler, are going to discuss why Smart Meters are health concerns about the meters arise from the pulsed radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by wireless smart meters. Guest also include: Curtis Bennett (Smart meters Forum) Expert Witness & #1 Consultant for Texans Against Smart Meters) to the call on Sun: Chief Science Officer Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal). Building Construction Engineering Technologist Adjunct Faculty For 2 Education Groups Thermografix Consulting Corporation John Marler: Agenda 21 Speaker around Texas & also Steering Committee member of Texans Against Smart Meters You can also like TASM on Facebook This will be a series of Shows we will have that fall under the Agenda 21 Umbrella with patriot and various other guest.
Smart Meters | Agenda 21 | Conservative | Republican | Election 21
Smart Meters | Agenda 21 | Conservative | Republican | Election 21