Tune in at Noon ET this Saturday when we'll have U.S. Army Major General Paul Vallely on to give us the real facts on the Syrian situation. Mr. Vallely is a Sr. Military analyst for Fox News who recently accepted an invitation to go on a fact finding mission to the region to get a first hand look at what is really going on. What he found was astonishing, and you'll hear it here live. Former USAF Special Forces pilot L. Todd Wood will also join us to discuss his new book “Currency,” which is receiving rave reviews. Be sure and post your comments here, on Twitter, or call 347-945-6781 and be a part of the show. The Don Smith Show “where it's ok to be a conservative,” brings you the most in-depth coverage of all the latest political news. While the liberal media currently dominates the airwaves, now there is an alternative. Listen to The Don Smith Show every Saturday at Noon ET to hear great interviews with people like Chuck Woolery, Jon Voight, Deneen Borelli, and many more leading conservatives. Don Smith is a business executive, and fiscal conservative. As seen on Fox News, CBS, PBS, and heard on various radio broadcasts around the country, The Don Smith Show takes the complex issues facing this nation and breaks them down in an easy to understand format. Tune in every Saturday morning for all the latest political news, and hear from famous conservatives from around this great country.