Digby and Dave Waldman -- aka KagroX -- on 1) Republican divisions (tea party vs establishment, Cantor vs Boehner); 2) Democrat divisions; (liberals vs centrists (only 29 signatures on Bernies SS letter!); 3) LaPierre and weapens; 4) What to expect in January wrt fiscal myth. Plus political satirist Culture of Truth comments on the most ridiculous moment from Meet the Press. Jay Ackroyd moderates. Follow @digby56 @KagroX @Bobblespeak @JayAckroy Plus political satirist Culture of Truth comments on the most ridiculous moment from Meet the Press. Jay Ackroyd moderates. Follow @digby56 @KagroX @Bobblespeak @JayAckroyd Links http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/ http://www.congressmatters.com/ http://moonshinepatriot.blogspot.com/2012/12/meet-press-december-23-2012.html The VS Media Panel: Avedon Carol, Cliff Schecter, Dave Dayen, Dave Johnson, Dave Waldman, Digby, Gaius Publius, Joan McCarter, Marcy Wheeler and Stuart Zechman.