We're approaching a month since the election, and old and new explanations for Romney's loss fill the blogs and editorial columns. This last election showed where this country is heading. 49% of the populace now receives some form of government benefit. Like it or not the Democrat Machine is now in control and since that is not helpful to the balance of Americans, what can we learn from the Democrats to beat them at their own game. Obviously it is not going to being standing on the sideline shouting nasty remarks at people. They won now how do we improve ourselves to the point of winning back the conservatives Left and Right? The conservatives are for America and our Constitution and we dont label ourselves as Democrat or Republican. So lets learn how to speak our language to each other and take our country back. Tune in Thursday at 11:Am and pitch in wont you? Our country is worth it.
DavidTippie | President 2012 impeach | Politics Politicians President | Democrat Republican Independent | Patriot or Puppet for billionaires
DavidTippie | President 2012 impeach | Politics Politicians President | Democrat Republican Independent | Patriot or Puppet for billionaires