How on God's green earth did a former Mormon and Republican find herself fighting for liberal causes like marriage equality and giving psychic readings? Maybe the answer isn't necessarily earthly.'s New Age and Spirituality expert, Sheri Lawson, has had a fascinating life journey and she's going to share it on Dimensions – her monthly segment on the God Discussion show. Sheri is the author of The Spell of Religion and the Battle Over Gay Marriage, which gives some insight into her spiritual path. But what her book doesn't discuss in a lot of detail is how she has cultivated her intuition to become a certified clairvoyant/intuitive. She'll share some of her intuitive “hits” that she has experienced as well as her thoughts on the December 21, 2012 “doomsday” event that many believe is forecasted in the Mayan calendar. Sheri offers affordable readings at her website, the Joyful Mystic, and is a featured spirituality writer at
metaphysics | new age | spirituality | psychic | Mayan calendar
metaphysics | new age | spirituality | psychic | Mayan calendar