Author, political commentator and former G. W. Bush speech-writer David Frum joins The Middle Ground to talk about his new e-book Why Romney Lost (And What The GOP Can Do About It) available on Amazon Kindle and in the iBook store. Eric Byler & Michael Charney review of Why Romney Lost. "...Frum is not offering a new, modern approach to conservative policy-making only for the sake of his party. He also offers it for sake of his country and, he offers it for the sake of the consumers of Republican media products who he sees as victims rather than scapegoats. The presentation of politics as warfare and opponents as mortal enemies does its severest harm to conservatives themselves. It embitters them, isolates them, alienates them, and perverts their judgment of people and things." —Eric Byler
conservative | middle ground | compromise | civility | progressive
conservative | middle ground | compromise | civility | progressive