North Carolina RNC member Dr. Ada Fisher addresses: Whats next for the GOP The election may be over but dyed-in-the-wool Republicans are very much not over the disastrous outcome. Republican National Committee member Dr. Ada Fisher of North Carolina discusses the fall-out from the election and what to expect in the future. The RNC winter meeting will be held next month in Charlotte, NC and one question looms large: Will RNC Chairman Reince Priebus stay or go? Dr. Fisher, the granddaughter of a former slave and the only black woman as an RNC committee member, also weighs in on the GOP image among minorities. To learn more about Dr. Fisher, go to to order her book Common Sense Conservative Prescriptions: Solutions For What Ails Us (Volume 1).
Republican National Committee winter meeting | Reince Preibus | Dr Ada Fisher | North Carolina Republican Party | Republican Party
Republican National Committee winter meeting | Reince Preibus | Dr Ada Fisher | North Carolina Republican Party | Republican Party