"Urban Game Changer" Shirley Husar is a African American conservative freelance writer and licensed real estate agent, CEO of Herizon Plus Real Estate Development living in Los Angeles, California. Personal Appointed by the 38th Governor Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger to the position of Governor Appointee Board Member for The Geologists and The Geophysicists for the State of California Governor Appointee Board Member served for 4 years. Server as a California Republican Party Delegate for 10 years and was an RNC Delegate for 2004. find Shirley at http://communities.washingtontimes.com/staff/shirley-husar/ Tired of the same blond Lame Stream Media babes giving you the "spin"? WELL, tune in to Rebecca Diserio, an italian brunette who rants about the Left, while giving you the Truth about America and the World. Rebecca co-managed an inner city precinct office (Compton, CA) for Star Parkers campaign in 2010 for the US Congress.
Conservative | Catholic | Lame Stream Media Lies | Shirley Husar | Urban Game Changer
Conservative | Catholic | Lame Stream Media Lies | Shirley Husar | Urban Game Changer