Statistically, the more religious you are the higher the likelihood you will vote Republican....unless you are a woman. Women went for President Obama by 9%. Why? Why dont women follow men in the alignment of religion and voting patterns? The answer may lie in economics. . Professor Randy Albelda of the University of Massachusettes has been studying economics and the voting patterns of women for years and has some answers. A new concept in the opinion-driven world of talk radio, Fairness Radio is a daily one-hour on-line and on-air radio show featuring liberal Patrick OHeffernan interviewing national guests from across the political spectrum. Patrick talks with everyone from conservative Senator Jim DeMint to former Democratic Party Chairman Governor Howard Dean to explore news, politics and culture from all sides in a civil conversation that focuses on idea, not gotcha's. With an international team experts from all sides of the political spectrum Fairness Radio covers the events of the world like no one else.
women in politicsImage may be NSFW.
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women in politicsImage may be NSFW.
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Clik here to view. | women for ObamaImage may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. | women and religionImage may be NSFW.
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