America the Apostate--Shall we Repent or Surrender?In the wake of Obama's reelection, many patriotic citizens are asking themselves what is left of the America they believed existed before that fateful day. They were sure voters would hotly reject Barack and all his crazy failures. The hard reality is now beginning to sink in. America is apparently not as conservative as those on the right had hoped.As confounding and scary as this reality may be, there is a silver lining in the whole situation—but one with a bracing message. America is not ruined forever, unless we—the intelligent, virtuous and educated—drop out and give up. We are still the envy of the world and the global hope for liberty. But we have become slothful, disengaged, and disdainful of our duties. Yet there is a way out of our current malaise and funk.Obama delivered a betdown in the electoral college, the Republicans are in disarray, and GOP members are beginning to cave on various issues, like taxes. So why are things not really over? Because where there is life, there is hope—or, as the Preacher says—better a live dog than a dead lion. The only deadly outcome from this election is for conservatives to give up our beliefs; or the conviction we can still be influential or even dominant players in the national debate. We must not give into the understandable impulse to surrender. Why? Because we have a responsibility the left cannot fathom: A non-delegable duty to be faithful to this nation in terms of keeping the message, in teaching, praying, etc. In fact, this incontrovertible responsibility is much like the duty of the Kinsman Redeemer, as described in the Book of Ruth, etc.
Kinsman Redeemer Barack Obama fatherless![]()
| Book of Ruth Leviticus Jesus Christ Bible surety![]()
| democrat republican conservative liberal wisdom![]()
| child abuse safety net goel slavery![]()
| sacrifice atonement yahweh old new testament![]()
Kinsman Redeemer Barack Obama fatherless