This show features Anthony Johnson, a Philadelphia community leader who talks about issues of the day that affect the people in the community and the Republic. On this weeks show I will be addressing the latest news in politics, social justice and injustice on the local and national level of the Republic including the following: 1. The 40 House GOP members who voted to keep our Veterans unemployed by voting against the Veterans Job Bill. 2. What Have We Learned from the 2012 Presidential Election? 3. Why the former Republican Party failed? 4. Secessionists! 5. "Stop Snitching" Culture Continues to Infect the Communities of Philadelphia. Please join the conversation..."We Can Be the Outcome". Call in to speak with me @ (347) 308-8613 Thank you for your continued support.
Anthony Johnson | Politics | Human Rights | Education | Community Service
Anthony Johnson | Politics | Human Rights | Education | Community Service