If it isn't it should apparent to any red-blooded conservative that the current conservative/Republican infrastructure is not sufficient to move the message of conservatism any farther than it is right now. It is time to build a new infrastructure that is willing to move into new areas in news ways to touch new people. A very important aspect of this infrastructure is media. Current Republicans are, and for good reason, afraid of the liberal media spin on anything that they don't like. We have to understand that the bully pulpit is controled by media sources that are not friendly to the conservative cause. And they broadcast to every corner of the world 24/7. The only ways to combat that media machine is to buy them, fire everyon there and replace them with journalists, not activists. Or build a separate more powerful media infrastructure. The Willie Lawson Show nad show like it are ready to become the pillars of that new infrastructure. Help us by investing in our future. Go to www.willielawsonshow.com and click the paypal donate button to invest in our future. Another place to to help build is the Black Conservatives Fund http://blackconservativesfund.com/.