It seems like no sooner than one election season ends another begins. The yard signs from the 2014 mid terms are still in the ground, tattered and worn from exposure to the elements, and yet the focus on 2016 is heating up.
Will Hillary run? Has she already been running? Will Liz Warren Run? Will she put the Obama on Hillary? If neither Hillary nor Liz run then are there any democrats who will?
And what of the GOP? The Tea Party seems to have accepted their near perfect losing streak in the midterm primaries, so is there a Republican that can pull it all together?
It appears that the Democrats are just as fractured ather their 2014 debacle as they claimed the GOP was .... so who will run? Who can run? And what factor, if any, will Obama play in in influencing his successor?
This may turn out to be the longest presidential campaign on record and WE the people will be caught smack dab in the middle.
Splash dives into 2016 and takes YOUR phone calls tonight on Jump Right In!