L.B. Bork is a self-described jurist and patriot and holds Jesus the Christ as his Savior. Aware in his younger years but was not given the full scope of truth about the deception of the world until in his late 30s. L.B. has done extensive research and study into the legal system in America; especially when comparing today’s system to that which was intended by the founders of the Union of States. He has been in the Truth-Honesty movement approaching 20 years. L.B. Took it upon hisself – at great personal expense – to spend four years of his life to specifically research the Amendment to the Constitution that he has identified as the turning point between what was intended for this union of countries, of which has now become their planned “One Nation Under Fraud”. This work is compiled in a book entitled: “The Red Amendment: An In-Law Expose on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.” The word ‘Red’ in the title references the Communist Manifesto and the perpetual debt of the United States.
Additionally, L.B. Bork founded “The People's Awareness Coalition” in 1998. You are invited to visit the Main PAC Site for twenty years of cumulative information at www.pacalliance.us