Discuss the election results. Discuss obamacare, what will the next four years be like? How about jobs? The economy? How do we as a nation go forth? How do we resolve past issues? Listen as we go live. With Dr. Michael Zey of Montclair State University. Dr. Zey is a full professor at Montclair State University and Executive Director of the Expansionary Institute. At the School of Business, he teaches courses in Management Processes &Training and Development and Career Planning.Dr. Zey is a consultant in the areas formal mentor programs, future techno, social and business trends. Chris Coleman, a College Republican of Stockton College will be giving a students analysys of the outcome of the election. Students have worked very hard to get their candidate elected.
Teapartystudent | campusteapartiescom | youthforindependence | zey | finkle
Teapartystudent | campusteapartiescom | youthforindependence | zey | finkle