LatinoTalk Texas is about news, issues and interviews of importance to American Latinos. On today's show, I share my perspective on the fear mongering climate alarmists by reading the details of political satirists cartoon on the subject which points out the in 1970 the climate alarmists warned of a coming Ice age. Finally, they cried about global warming and now they cry about "climate change" while the real agenda is global communism. Industrialized nations, in the plan, contribute large sums of money to 3rd world nations so they won't have to develop industrialization and that's the story but the real story is communism. Later, I read three blog pieces: one by Ruben Navarette decrying the biter debate between the anti-immigration folks who say Obama, The Deporter in Chief, is not doing his job at all! I agree with Navarette that Obama has been very harsh with his deportation policies and we must have relief but from whom? I suspect neither. Later, I read two pieces that without all the facts claim the Republicans are winning over the Latino vote. This is simply not correct because although in the last election there may have been 30-40% Latino voters who voted that way the complete truth is that only about 30% of the total Latino electorate actually voted. Thus, the GOP only got a third of the total which was, itself, only a third of the total. If you do the math, they got 10% of the Latino vote. In reality, Latino voters, disgusted with Obama and unwilling to vote Republican because of the harsh rhetoric simply stayed home. Finally, I read big news from Catholic Pulse that reports that Pope Francis will visit the USA next September and attend the "World Meeting of Families" in Philadelphia.