LatinoTalk Texas is news, interviews and issues in America from the Latino perspective. On today's show, I read two news articles from Fox News Latino concerning Latino issues. One, a San Jose University leader is reported to have uttered disparaging remarks about Latinas. In another article details about Obama's potential plan for easing his harsh deportation polices. Later I read an important piece by David Smith about the means by which the Libertarians re-invented themselves and have taken over the Republican Party. I lament this also and pointed it out a few years ago and also lament how these crypto-libertarians as I call them brought with them the anti-immigration movement which is also an anti-Latino movement and part of a larger population control effort. I also read some of your comments on my facebook page. Finally, I read two science pieces. The ESA has successfully landed a small probe on the surface of a comet which is unprecedented and very exciting. Lastly I explain the nature of a new commercial appliance you may be seeing in your home in the next few years. It's called Jibo and its a robot or more like a robotic mobile smart phone. It talks and listens and follows your movements so it can help you by reading your communications to you and take photos and videos for you and perhaps much more. Yes, it is really the 21st century!