For a long time, especially since Mitt Romney's loss for the presidency in 2012, many have thought that all we need to do is get enough people out to vote. We know that 3 million voters stayed home in 2012 that could have turned the election to Romney's favor. And we also know that there are 20-30 million eligible voters in America who claim to be evangelical Christians that are not even registered to vote. However, no matter how many people we get to vote, the fact is that it is no guarantee that it can overcome vote fraud and corruptio
Doug Johnson is an author, public speaker, and business consultant. For 37 years Doug has worked helping businesses of all sizes and types. When the Recession began in 2008 Doug looked back at his successful business career and realized that he had an obligation to do something that had a farther reach than he could have with only his consulting business.
Tags: Election, vote, fraud, Democrat, Republican, voting machine, calibration, Obama, turnout