The Brave May Fall But Never Yield. Democrats of all ages, social classes, beliefs and ethnicities, we are in for the fight of our lives this election cycle. A fight for what is right and just in America. On November 4, 2014 the election trumpet will sound. Will you awake from your slumber and answer the call? The torch has been lighted, the dawn is at hand. Who'll join us in the fight for our Land? This is ours to lose if we don't show up and vote. Too much is at stake as Republicans will do everything to win. Steal, cheat and lie is their matra as they have no plans for moving America forward. Your vote will stop them and bring back sense to the choatic political madness caused by them since 2010.
What if the GOP took over the U.S. Senate and won more seats in the 435 member House of Representatives? If they won both chambers of Congress, we can look forward to them:
Repealing the Affordable Care Act (replacing it with nothing)
Impeaching Barack Obama (on bullshit charges)
Privatizing Social Security and ending Medic Care/Medic Aid
Killing Public School funding and creating FOR PROFIT Chartered Schools
Having more Foreign Wars for Oil and defund much needed Infrastructure
Eliminating the EPA, Departments of Education, Trade & Commerce and Interior
Doing nothing about Immigration nor creating good Jobs
Defund countless important Government Departments (wanting, but not getting, smaller Government)
Give more tax cuts for the 1% with no regulations for Wall Street & Big Banks
Assaulting Women's Rights, Gay Rights, etc.
What will it take for America to wake up & fight back against Republican greed & corruption? The moment has arrived. It's put up or shut up time. C'MON DEMOCRATS!