This show is dedicated to: LaVern Stanley “AKA Bundy” LittleWind Sr., “Cante Tanka Yuhan Mani” (Walks With A Big Heart) entered into the Spirit World on January 15, 1977 and returned to the Spirit World on September 22, 2014.
Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and Dan, of Pundit Press Radio is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.
Special Guest: Larry Pratt has been Executive Director of Gun Owners of America for over 30 years. GOA is a national membership organization of 300,000 Americans dedicated to promoting their Second Amendment freedom to keep and bear arms.
GOA lobbies for the pro-gun position in Washington, D.C. and is involved in firearm issues in the states. GOA's work includes providing legal assistance to those involved in lawsuits with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the federal firearms law enforcement agency.
Pratt has appeared on numerous national radio and TV programs such as NBC's Today Show, CBS' Good Morning America, CNN's Crossfire and Larry King Live, Fox's Hannity and Colmes and many others. He has debated Congressman James Traficant, Jr. (D-OH), Charles Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and Vice President Al Gore, among others. His columns have appeared in newspapers across the country.
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic!
You never know what we'll talk about: conservative, constitution, freedom, liberty, obama, tea party, gun control, republican, libertarian, stop white guilt, word