Frankie Russo is the President of the Brooklyn Tea Party and a media personality who has launched his own show, RussoNation. His goal is to bring the political, pop culture, and sports audiences together. Whether he is talking about sports, pop culture, or politics, Frankie tries to be as real as possible to his listeners. He is not mainstream, but he loves being in the spotlight and getting down to the basic issues. His honesty has earned him: a cult following that has led him to success in the sports, entertainment, and political fields.
Beverly Hills Legal Eagle, Mychal Wilson Esq. soars when it comes to freedom of expression and creativity. He fights for this right professionally as a lawyer and personally as an actor/producer. His entire life has been devoted to this principle, and along with this freedom comes the creativity and the responsibility that encompasses such virtues. Mychal is a founding partner at the MindFusion Law, LLP whose hybrid law practice encompasses Entertainment and Qui Tam Law.
Ryan Mauro is the National Security Analyst for, which produced the hit films, "Obsession," "The Third Jihad" and "Iranium." Maruo is a frequent analyst on FOX News Channel and other media outlets, is a consultant to government agencies and an adjunct professor. He writes regularly for the Institute on Religion and Democracy, FrontPage Magazine, Family Security Matters and other publications, including the peer-reviewed journal, Middle East Quarterly. Ryan has been quoted and cited in multiple books and newspapers, including the New York Times and Reuters. He has made over 300 appearances on radio and T.V. shows of both the left and the right.