Back again from our bi-weekly break and ready to get going with all this prophetic news from OCT WEEK #2 and #3. We start it all off with a special intro of COLLECTIVE SOUL's ROCK SONG called HEAVEN LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE DOWN and examine its amazing lyrics that sound so symbolic of classic CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES such as the RESURRECTION OF DEAD SAINTS and the RAPTURE OF LIVING SAINTS; references to WATER BAPTISM and HOLY GHOST BAPTISM; and other fascinating BIBLICAL REFERENCES IN THIS AMAZING SONG! YEAH!... Then we get into the MAJOR NEWS UPDATES from Week #2, such as TOPIC #1: DISEASES & PESTILENCES with the EPIDEMIC OF EBOLA; PAKISTAN POLIO CASES AT ALL TIME HIGH; ASTRONOMICAL AUTISM RATES; DEADLY GIANT HORNETS IN CHINA; DEADLY SPIDERS IN MISSOURI HOME; ARIZONA MOSQUITOS; DENGUE FEVER RECORD CASES IN TAIWAN; etc... Then we check out TOPIC #2: SODOMS SEQUEL with CONSIDERING LEGAL INCEST IN GERMANY; LEGAL SAME SEX MARRIAGE STATES NOW @ 30; SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER INDORSES GAY REPUBLICAN CARL DEMAIO; OFFICE NOW EXTREMELY COMMON; etc... Then we check out TOPIC #3: WHIRLWIND updates with Typhoon Phanfone and Typhoon VongFong all hitting Japan, back-to-back! VONGFONG STRONGEST STORM EVER UPON THE EARTH, SINCE LAST YEARS TYPHOON HAIYAN! POSSIBLE CATE #6! .. Then we take a look at TOPIC #4: EARTHQUAKES with 6 POINTERS in Mexico, China and Easter Island!... Then at TOPIC #5: COSMIC SIGNS, we have the STORY OF THE 21st CENTURY with the 2nd BLOOD MOON of the 4-Part series of TETRAD RED MOONS lighting up the early morning skies! ALL THIS AND MORE ON THIS EYE-OPENING, 6-PART SERIES OF EPISODES, starting with PART 1: BLOOD MOON RISING II... GET IN THE KNOW! STAY INFORMED!...