Election countdown. Only 8 days to go before the general election on November 8th. Volunteer: Dashboard.BarackObama.Com Vote ObamaBiden2012 Check out these MUST WATCH links: Republican Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Says That His Party Is FILLED WITH RACISTS! http://www.thechocolatechick.org/2012/10/must-watch-what-republican-leaders.html Mitt Romney Lied Yet Again... While in Ohio, Mitts Claimed JEEP Was Shipping Jobs To China, Away From American Workers: http://www.thechocolatechick.org/2012/10/mitt-romney-lied-in-ohio-claimed-jeep.html What do Republican Leaders REALLY think about MITT ROMNEY? : http://www.thechocolatechick.org/2012/10/must-watch-what-republican-leaders.html Taxing Concern For Romneys: http://www.thechocolatechick.org/2012/10/taxing-questions-video-mitt-romney.html Gen. Colin Powell Endorses Pres. Obama Again, Republican Race Baiter John Sununu Says Its Because Hes Black: http://www.thechocolatechick.org/2012/10/gen-colin-powell-endorsed-president.html
Election 2012 | President Obama | Mitt Romney | Early Voting | Politics
Election 2012 | President Obama | Mitt Romney | Early Voting | Politics