Devoted to truth, education, conversation and action regarding UN Agenda 21 and the State of Our Union
Tonght's Show: Young Hispanic Republican Activist and Mark Thorton, The Economy
Special Guest: Andres Lazarte
A young Hispanic republican activists, on the road with the Romney Ryan presidential race in 2012 - Hispanics in 2014.
Special Guest: Mark Thornton - The Economy
Mark received his PhD in economics from Auburn University in 1989. He taught economics for nine years and was a member of the Graduate Faculty.
Mark Thornton is Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He serves as the Book Review Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.
Differences of Austrian and Keynsen Economicy
UN Agenda 21 is the UN agenda for the 21 century to inventory and control every aspect of human activity.
You will learn:
Nothing is random
Everything is preplanned.
All plans are designed to bankrupt America
All plans are based on lies
Learn the plans, learn how they affect you in your community and what you can do to stop them.
Join us and invited guests from all over the country to share their Agenda 21 stories.
Learn by their experiences, then call in and tell us your stories.
Be an American, the largest group of free people in the world, UNITED WE STAND.
Karen Schoen -
John Estabrooks -