Ebola is front and center today and Dr. Scott Gottlieb and Dr. Gil Mobley-famous for donning a bio hazard suit at the Atlanta Intl. Airport 10 days ago and accusing the CDC of lying, tell us straight-Ebola is headed to America and we´d better ready to prevent it from gaining a foothold. Grammy Award winning songwriter and platinum record artist Clinton Sparks speaks about bullying and Time Magazine journalist Amanda Ripley discusses her book The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way. Gregg Jackson talks about his book "40 Things to Teach Your Children Before You Die" which deals with the true legacy that you must leave behind.
Welcome to Bill Martinez Live, hosted by an unapologetic AMERICAN U.S. Marine of Mexican descent who knows why people come to America but demands that immigrants come through the front door and that the rule of law is respected. Bill Martinez Live waves just one flag and has no use for hyphenated hearts torn between the 4th of July and some other foreign flag.
Republicans & Democrats have lost a grasp on life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for ALL Americans. Bill Martinez Live helps us regain it. Listen in to the show to hear every facet of the issues but keep your eye on God and the exceptionalism to which he has urged on America and its people. Our nation is at a crossroads but remember your solemn birthright fellow Americans as "We the People". See more at: http://billmartinezlive.com/about-the-program/#sthash.tooJ0atj.dpuf