Mrs Margaret Kaniki Siwale is the National Chairperson of Scripture Union Zambia a Christian organization which has been in existence for more than fifty years. Scripture Union exists in more than 150 nations and its mission is to actively and effectively contribute to nurturing Children, Youth and Adults; Strengthening the Spiritual and Moral fiber of families holistically in transforming Zambia, through Discipleship, Evangelism, Literature distribution, Capacity Building and promotion of Bible reading and Prayer that they may come to personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ”. Mrs Siwale joins us to reflect and share Scripture union's work in Zambia considering the nation was declared a Christian nation which was also included in the preamble of the republican constitution. She will also discuss the history of Scripture Union and how/when it was introduced into Zambia, why the focus has been in primary and secondary schools, its purpose and vision, where is SU after 50 years, its contribution to raising leaders in the nation. Join us as we begin our special feature series of Zambia's jubilee celebrations as we showcase individuals and organizations who have contributed to the nation's well being and development in a non-political manner.