When faced with danger like the threat of IRS audits, being disappeared via NDAA or being arrested on trumped up charges like the Michigan Militia was, it is easy for people to become quiet and turn away, hoping that in their silence the govt will leave them alone. Good people think that if they are just better citizens, the tyrant will pass him or her by...this has never worked throughout the history of man. The Jews were almost destroyed by Hitler, the Christians in Muslim countries are being tortured and killed for their faith and people in this country and being labeled "racist" or "Islamophobe" for speaking out about liberty and silence is creeping over the land. This is not time to be silent, it is time to get loud, be proud and say it out loud, "I was born free, I will die free or trying to be free, no man, no govt will take my rights and liberty from me".
Join me for thirty minutes of inspiration and ideas on striking back at the tyrants. Piss be upon them.