Maybe in our sadness, your grieving host will remember someone WE will not soon, nor should we ever forget Robin Williams. His manic stream-of-conciousness style, his chaotic mind running a mile-a-minute and the ad-libs flowing as free as water off the edge...the edge being the buy-word. His greatest roles allowed him to be him and he will be missed. What won't be missed is the continuing blather being produced by the conservatives even when Congress isn't in session and judging by the amount of work they got done; were they actually ever IN session or just in the building. Besides, why would anyone, other than Gwneth Paltrow, name their child 'Rance' as in Rance Priebus, Head of the RNC (Republican Nat'l Committee)...its like consigning someone to a "beat down" on a daily basis throughout his adolescent years. Too bad I never got a turn.