This episode of The #SocialSpitballShow features two Democratic candidates for Congress who began their lives in the Republican Party, but gradually moved away from the increasingly radical party it has become. The first of our two candidates on this show is Will Bronson. Bronson's wife is a "life coach specializing in Radical Forgiveness." Unabashedly sharing his resume of involvement in the Republican Party, Bronson reveals his dedication to fairness in government and to making sure more people have their voices heard in the democratic process. Advocating for re-regulation of banks & the removal of big money in politics, as well as a smart grid power system built on green energy, Bronson reveals that among other things, he is for the people and the environment. Catch more about Will's stance on things after the introduction after 7pm Eastern: Our second candidate also came out of Republican Party activism that was driven by his dedication to service learned from his parents & his service in the Boy Scouts & the military. Mark Greene, an expert marksmen and former Military Police officer, started out in politics on a local level helping a neighbor run and win a school board campaign. After standing with fellow Texan George H.W. Bush against Pat Robertson in the Republican Party nomination process, Mark soon saw that his party didn't sync with his values. An obvious education advocate, Mark also stumps for political finance reform, energy and natural resource security, as well as other important issues. Learn more about Mark Greene's campaign around 8pm Eastern: These two demonstrate what it means to put people before partisan politics...something we desperately need! Let's get the conversation going...