Does the constitution protect your freedom? If the government just followed the constitution would the US be a "Free Country" and if not can true freedom and liberty be obtained with government? Host Dave Bourne and Co Host Orlando Activist Pete Murtha ask these questions and more!! Replay from 07/22/14 The show promotes and discusses the ideas of true freedom and liberty for all people without the partisan politics. Exposing the government for what it is, a mafia that rules only by the threat of force without concent. The show supports peaceful consentual voluntary relationships. Where the people are not robbed, oppressed, controlled and abused under the threat of force and in many cases actual force is used to force compliance. I don't want someone else to represent me and make decisions about how I should live my life, when I know what's best for me and can represent myself. I am not a republican, I am not a democrat. I'm not a liberal, I'm not a conservative. I will not allow you to define me, or force me to join one of your gangs. I am an individual and I believe in freedom and liberty for all people, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation as all human beings have a right to freedom and liberty. I will stand up to government oppression and do what I can to educate the public on the illusion and or lack of true freedom in America. Facebook: Twitter: @NPLibertyForAll email: YouTube: Google Plus: Dave Bourne/Non Partisan Liberty for All Listen to the archives on ITunes!!