This show is dedicated to Staff Sgt Michael H, Ollis, killed 8/28/2013 in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan and CIA Agent Harold E. Brown, Jr., one of seven Americans killed Dec. 30, 2009 in the Khost province of Afghanistan when a suicide bomber detonated explosives at the U.S. military base there. Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections. Special Guest: Charles Faddis, Retired CIA operative. Prior to joining CIA was an Army combat arms officer and criminal trial attorney. Spent twenty years undercover in the Near East and South Asia. His specialties: Training, Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, Surveillance, Counter-Surveillance, Weapons of Mass Destruction. Often sought commentator on Terrorism, Intelligence and National Security, as well as contributor Just released, Charles latest novel, "Caffa", is concerning a hypothetical biological weapons attack on the United States. It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic! You never know what we'll talk about: conservative, constitution, freedom, liberty, obama, tea party, gun control, republican, libertarian, stop white guilt, word
Conservative | Syria | Libertarian | dominec santerelli | Constitution
Conservative | Syria | Libertarian | dominec santerelli | Constitution