This show is dedicated to: Tech. Sgt. Mark A. Smith, a flight engineer with the 33rd Rescue Squadron who had deployed twice to Afghanistan, died in the Aug. 5, 2013 crash of his HH 60G Pave Hawk helicopter while on a training mission at the Central Training Area on the Marine base at Camp Hansen, Okinawa. Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections. Join Cool Mike & Annie they invite you to join the discussion of the Obama Administration. Think theres nothing to talk about? What about: Executive Orders bypassing Congress and violating the Constitution. Sealing of all school records Fast & Furious Benghazi Muslim Brotherhood Obamacare Valerie Jarrett Reverend Wright Eric Holder Dream Act Egypt, Syria & Libya Budget Same Sex Marraige Gun Control So much more!!! Its a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic! You never know what well talk about: conservative, constitution, freedom, liberty, obama, tea party, gun control, republican, libertarian, stop white guilt, word
Conservative Constitution | Freedom Liberty | Obama | TEA Party | gun control
Conservative Constitution | Freedom Liberty | Obama | TEA Party | gun control