"We didnt perceive Jan Perry or Kevin James as serious candidates in any way, shape or form," , referring to the strength of the veteran African American councilwoman and Republican former radio host. "That was a mistake." John ShallmanJames took the lead in warning voters of Greuels connections to city unions, particularly the one representing many Department of Water and Power workers, who spent nearly $1.7 million on an independent campaign to get her electedJan Perry launched a series of blistering mailers attacking Greuel, including one that accused her of being a closet Republican. LAtimesIt's hard to know minute to minute which Wendy Greuel is speaking or for that matter whether she even cares anymore whose words she is mouthing as long as she gets the support and money from those who matter.Ron Kaye
Los Angeles Mayor Race | O J Simpson | Wendy Greuel | Bill Clinton | Trayvon Martin
Los Angeles Mayor Race | O J Simpson | Wendy Greuel | Bill Clinton | Trayvon Martin