Tonight, well talk about the debates with Fox News Regular Cherylyn Lebon. Cherylyn Harley LeBon is a member of the Project 21 National Advisory Board. During the first six months of 2012, Cherylyn has been quoted by newspapers 71 times, been a guest on radio or television shows 52 times, and had op-eds she has written published by newspapers 14 times. Cherylyn is currently President and CEO of KLAR Strategies, LLC, a public affairs firm. She served as a political appointee in the George W. Bush Administration;as spokesman at the Republican National Committee; and as Senior Counsel for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. She is a frequent guest on the FOX News Channel and national broadcast radio shows, and is a contributor to Townhall and Politicalistas. Follow her on Twitter @HarleyLeBon. Play in your default playerOpen in new window
Cherylyn | LeBon | Fox News Contributor | Analsys | Columnist Opinions on Obama Romney First Debate
Cherylyn | LeBon | Fox News Contributor | Analsys | Columnist Opinions on Obama Romney First Debate